EvOExT - 2011-08-06 23:16:40


- Breaking Point: Chance to break enemy superarmor and deal critical hits. 15% chance, cd 7sec.
- Flying Swing EX: Enhanced flying swing, deal additional aftershock damage.
- Maelstorm Howl:  Suck the enemy around him towards himself and howl to deal heavy damage. While sucking, phy and mag damage received is reduced by 70%. Phy dmg 494.8%+2638. CD 45sec at Lv1. The suction damage ignores target's invincibility, guardian shield etc.

Destroyer solo Lv48 Dungeon - Normal mode

Destroyer solo cerberus:


- Heat Combo: 12% Chance at lvl2 to inflict additional phy. damage equal to your attack status. CD 7sec.
- Stomp EX: Enhanced version of Stomp, with improved AOE. The 2nd wave of stomp EX deal 30% additional damage and also induce slow effect.
- Bone Crash: Leap into the air and deal phy dmg 395.6%+1740 at lv1, cd 35sec. Induce "bone break" effect which deals additional 239 damage  per hit for 10sec. Damage increase applies even if the target is hit by your party member. Direction can be controlled in air too.

Barbarian solo Lv48 Abyss:

Barbarian solo Dark Mine abyss:

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