- Evasion: Passive skill. 21.5% chance to evade an attack at skill lvl 2. After evasion, certain skill can be chained into it: Spirit Flame, Spinning Top and Spiral kick. - Kick & Shot EX: improved superarmor, moving distance and aoe of kick & shot. - Hurricane Dance: Powerful kicking combo. Invincible while casting. Can't be cast without a target. Silence the target. Ignore Shield Block and Invincibility (including avatar, stance of faith and evasion stance) . Phy Dmg 792%+2338, CD 37sec at skill lv1.
Tempest solo lv48 Abyss:
Wind Walker
- Show Time: A buff that reduce all passive/action skill cooldown by 90%. CD 56sec, duration 10sec at lv2. - Spiral Kick EX: Enhanced spiral kick. Left clicking activates Spirit Flame, right clicking kicks the enemy higher up into the air for further combo. Inc 30% damage. - Rising Storm: pull and spin enemy around high up in the air. Phy dmg 664%+2390 at lv1. CD 45sec. AOE 2.5m, High superarmor while casting.